Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Portrait of Racism

Chapter 4 in Of Mice and Man, paints a very realistic portrait of racism in the 1930s.  Discuss at least two ways in which racism is explored in this chapter.  Include quotes and your own analysis of key moments in this chapter that clearly demonstrate the racism that existed in the American 1930s.  What do readers understand about racism as a result of reading this chapter?

When they separated the black workers from the white. The guy who had a separate room from the others was black. He believed that like the others, he should share a room. He feels lonely staying in a room all by himself, while the others get to stay and share a room with each other. He feels that he should have the same rights as they do. No matter the race or color. the 1930s were a times when racism was still bad. So blacks didn't have the same rights as the white man/women.

Chapter Note-taking Criteria

1) Question:  Write down the names of characters involved, as well as where and when the story is taking place at this point in the text.  Next, write down questions you have about the story or characters, and any questions about the reading that you did not understand and would like clarification.

When everyone else went to Suzy's clean and comedic house of ill repute, was what going through Crook's mind when Lennie walked in? Why does Lennie feel comfortable telling Crook's about his dream farm? Why did Crook's take his anger out on Lennie just because he's bitter? Did Crook's get intimidated by Lennie's size?

2) Prediction:  Write down your prediction for what you think will happen next in the story.  Don’t forget to explain what happened in this chapter that helped you form this prediction.

I predict that if George and Lennie do get that dream farm, they'll let Candid and Crook's live with them. "They left all the weak ones here," she says, in a surprising burst of (cruel) insight. I predict that because she said that, she will be hated for the rest of their time on the farm. Because Curley's wife is so "lonely" I predict that she will seduce one of them, but Curley will kill that person. 

3) Connection:  Write down anything that you found familiar:  either a situation you have experienced, a character that reminds you of someone, or an event from the story that is similar to something you have already read.  *Remember to use good technology ethics!  Do not expose names of people anyone could or would know.  Use good judgement!

I remember when I was lost in the woods, I walked alone for miles and suddenly this person came out of no where. We walked and talked about what's going on and how we ended up i the woods. When i told him that i was from a military academy group and got lost he got really mad. He said he was apart of that group but he got kicked out. He decided to criticize me the rest of the way until he finally stopped and said he was sorry. He just wasn't expecting to talk abut the subject ever again. He reminds me of Crooks. He took out his anger on Lennie for no reason.