Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chapter Note-taking Criteria

1) Question:  Write down the names of characters involved, as well as where and when the story is taking place at this point in the text.  Next, write down questions you have about the story or characters, and any questions about the reading that you did not understand and would like clarification.

The character involved in the story so far, are Lennie and George. The story takes place a few miles south of Soledad.  The story doesn't give any hint as to when the date or year is but my guess is the 1930s. Upon reading the first chapter, I have had a couple questions:
1) Why are they running
2) Who are they running from?
3) What do they have planned
4) Why would they chose the forest as the best place to hide
5) Why doesn't George just leave Lennie behind, if he knows that he might screw up his chances?

2) Prediction:  Write down your prediction for what you think will happen next in the story.  Don’t forget to explain what happened in this chapter that helped you form this prediction.

I predict that George, will leave Lennie to fend for himself. But Lennie may end up finding him. 

3) Connection:  Write down anything that you found familiar:  either a situation you have experienced, a character that reminds you of someone, or an event from the story that is similar to something you have already read.  *Remember to use good technology ethics!  Do not expose names of people anyone could or would know.  Use good judgement!

I remember when I was in Pathfinders (basically a military camp) we had to hike for 23 miles. I was really out of shape and not in good mood. And I was very tired and too lazy to walk any further. So, they left me behind and I had to run and climb for a mile straight. With my pack and gear.  I think that's what George is gonna do. Leave Lennie behind.

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