Thursday, February 28, 2013


What aspects or characteristics of the 1930s, are being demonstrated to us at those moments in the text?

Naturalism is nature. All around us is nature. It plays a key role in our daily lives, whether its from trees taking in the carbon-dioxide, to the providing of food. Just like in the book "Of Mice and Men", main characters George and Lennie both of us rely on naturalism. They are in the forest eating plants and other things. They use the natural resources they already have, to try to keep them alive.

What do you believe John Steinbeck was trying to show us, or expose about the way people like our society was during this time in American history?

I believe Steinbeck was trying to show us how nature and life were intertwined in the 1930s. Comparing the 30s to now, you can see a major difference. Back then the mountains and forests were plentiful  now they have been turned into paper or buildings. Factories emit smoke that destroy the ozone layer. Back then it wasn't so noisy and busy. Now-a-days, nature cannot enjoy her slumber in peace.

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